Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thursday is a Big Day

I am still working on a post with the details of Tyler's GI appointment last Tuesday but my brain isn't cooperating enough for me to get it posted tonight (from mental exhaustion or pregnancy brain, I'm not sure which).

For those whose who didn't get the message I posted on facebook, Tyler is going in for his 2nd scope and is getting a g-tube placed this Thursday. I am confident Dr. McOmber and Dr. Graziano (his pediatric surgeon) will take care of our sweet boy. I am not sure my head has fully absorbed the reality of our boy getting a surgically placed feeding tube in his belly in 4 days. Can it be removed when/if things improve? Certainly. The thing that gets me is him having a permanent exterior scar. Somehow it psychologically takes me to a place I hadn't ever anticipated being when we initially received his diagnosis months ago. Truly ignorance is sometimes bliss. Interesting how quickly the human mind can learn/accept new things when your child has a chronic illness don't you think?


  1. Yes, I text! I got your number from your comment then deleted it. :o) I am amazed at how similar Nathan and Tyler's stories are... from being diagnosed, to the NG tube, and now the G-tube. Your precious Tyler will be in our thoughts and prayers on Thursday! I look forward to hearing updates! I will text you with my cell number so you will have it! *hugs*

  2. Thanks for the most adorable video ever! It made my night! I hope you all get some good rest tonight before the big day tomorrow! I will be praying for Tyler! :o)
